Groundstar Resources Limited.

Governance | Governance Principles


At Groundstar Resources, we view good corporate governance as an integral component to the success and sustainability of our Company. Sound corporate citizenship touches nearly every aspect of what we do from governance to business ethics and from safety to environmental protection.

The Board has the responsibility to participate with management in developing and approving the mission of the business, corporate objectives, and strategic plans, monitoring subsequent performance against those plans. Strategic issues are reviewed with management and addressed by the full Board at regularly scheduled Board meetings and at meetings specifically called for this purpose. One of the Board's responsibilities is to review and, if thought fit to approve opportunities as presented by management and to provide guidance to management for the future growth of the Company.

We are firmly committed to transparent and comprehensive disclosure with our stakeholders and to providing timely access to people and information. An integral part of our corporate governance and reporting efforts is a series of regular communications activities that are intended to keep investors informed. These include conference calls, webcasts and presentations across Canada, the U.S. and Europe.

Good governance is about protecting the interests of all stakeholders. We believe that effective governance will help to ensure that we achieve not only financial success, but also facilitate economic, human resource and community development at home and internationally.

2900 First Canadian Center
350 - 7th Ave. SW
Calgary, Alberta   Canada   T2P 3N9
T: (403) 668-5547
F: (403) 265-2335